Representational art to me is when looking at art work you can make out what is displayed immediately.
When you take a look at abstract art it is a head tilter because lines and shapes, that may be layered on top of each other, are used to create the figure the artist is painting and makes it more difficult to depict what the object is because it is made far out from reality.
Non-objective art will not be able to be made out what an object is right away because there is not much detail to the object. You would just have to think of your own meaning.
- Candice Bohannon, Marie, 2008, This work of art is an example of representational imagery and is more representational than the other works of art and less abstract than the next work because of how detailed the image is it is clear this is a woman sitting on a floral couch. You are able to see the expression on the woman’s face which makes you feel like you know what she is thinking.
- Paul Cezanne, Lady in Blue (1900-04). This work of art is an example of representational imagery and is more non objective than the previous work of art because of the indirect lines used to make out the woman’s face and figures around the object and more representational than the next work because of how you can distinguish what is in the painting, a table and a woman in a dress.
- “A Working Woman” by Yuri Bosky, 1960. This work of art is an example of representational imagery and is more non-objective than the previous work of art because of lack of setting makes image timeless and otherworldly and how unclear it is to tell if the object is male or female but is represented as a woman in the title of the painting and less abstract than the next work because of the image being closer to reality.
- Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907), Pablo Picasso. This work of art is an example of abstract imagery and is more non objective than the previous work of art because of the geometric shapes and lines used and less non-objective than the next work because of it being easier to distinguish the women painted because of how the shapes are positioned to form the body parts.
- Head of a Sleeping Woman, pablo picasso, 1907. This work of art is an example of abstract imagery and is more non-objective than the previous work of art because of the simplification of form in this work and less non objective than the next work because of it being different than reality but we can still tell what it is.,_1907,_Head_of_a_Sleeping_Woman_(Study_for_Nude_with_Drapery),_oil_on_canvas,_61.4_x_47.6_cm,_The_Museum_of_Modern_Art,_New_York.jpg
- Alexander Archipenko, Woman Combing her Hair, 1915. This work of art is an example of non-objective imagery and is more non-objective than the previous work of art because basic forms used to communicate and less non-objective than the next work because of the unrecognizable subject.
- Woman with Yellow Hair (1931), Pablo Picasso, This work of art is an example of abstract imagery and is more non-objective than the previous work of art because of the the unrecognizable subject and individuals can find interpret their own meaning when first looking at the image.
When people see the same art work, everyone support different thinking and sense of it, especially abstract art. I agree with your opinion ” You would just have to think of your own meaning.”
I think you did an awesome job with choosing your images from representational to abstract to non-objective. I like how you chose the idea of the woman as your theme for the images. Your definitions for representational, abstract, and non-objective imagery is very simple to comprehend as well.
Awesome job! Your example of representational to abstract is perfect.
Great use of theme!