The implementation of family support services within the last decade has made an impact on child welfare in Georgia. I appreciated the statistics that Ms. Carter provided about the outcomes in this state since the early 2000’s. I was actually surprised at how well our state is doing in relation to child welfare. I myself tend to have a negative attitude toward CPS due to the horror stories presented by the media. It is encouraging to see that in recent years, the outcomes have improved. I was also not familiar with the child fatality review so I went back and reviewed the power point to get more details about that program.
One of the social workers that I work with came to our department from DFCS and worked in “family preservation”. I had a difficult time understanding why one would try to preserve a family where children were being either abused or neglected. I also have never worked with children, therefore, I tend to think of the most extreme types of child abuse and neglect. Sometimes neglect can come from lack of resources and education. Taking children away from their immediate family might not always be the answer. Offering parents education and resources needed to learn how to be a better parent and remove the barriers, can be beneficial in maintaining a family unit. I also think the entitlement program CAPS is helpful in that it helps low income families afford quality child care so that they can continue working. However, all these services that have been implemented require more assessment by the caseworkers. There is an assessment process for each service and the caseworker then must determine who is eligible for resources. This can make for more work for already overwhelmed caseworkers.
Child welfare policy is important in social work practice because social workers are advocates for children. Social workers need to be aware of current child welfare policy including data of recent statistics and what we have learned from past experience. Children from neglect or abusive home situations are vulnerable and the system needs to be designed to improve their well being either through family preservation or foster care.