As with many things recently, blogging is new to me. I have had a difficult time naming my blog, but I finally came up with “deep thoughts by Leigh Webb”. Some of you (probably a very few) remember a SNL bit called “deep thoughts by Jack Handey”. Well…they were rarely deep and very silly. They were mostly random thoughts but I always thought they were hilarious. I rarely have “deep thoughts” but I generally have random silly thoughts.
I must admit that I rarely read the newspaper or watch/listen to the news. Generally if our TV is on, its on Nickolodean or Disney for the kids. I guess it’s time that I start paying attention to what’s going on in the world…especially if I want to be a successful social worker.
I am looking forward to this class and to this blog!
Leigh 🙂
PS enjoy the link below
Hi Lee,
It looks like you are off to a great start! Don’t worry about the tv. Check out AP mobile and Reuters on your iPad. You can get local news on the AP site as well as everything else. BBC is also great. Marginal resources are CNN, the New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. Fox is pure entertainment. I hope this helps. All news junkies have their favorite sites. – Melanie D
Thanks Melanie! That is very helpful!
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