Unit 2-Assignment 2
- http://www.justfacts.com
Currency-The information found on the Just Fact site seems to be current information on topics that may be of value to a researcher to investigate. There are many topics on this site serving many different interests. There is a Just Facts Daily category on this site, but the most current date I found was May 13, 2015.
Relevancy-Although there are many topics on this site, none give the depth nor breadth needed to do successful research. Many of the articles have tags, some even credible, but not enough for one to spend time here.
Authority-This site relies on the work James D. Agresti and Stephen Cardone. I cannot find ther credentials anywhere on their site. The two researchers depend on the work of other researchers. The site does not give the qualifications of Agresti and Cardone as researchers. Most of their work is opinionated.
Accuracy-The accuracy of the information in this site is dubious. Most articles are not verified. Little references are given. There are too many personal views submitted in its articles. No peer reviewed articles found. This site also refer to its own articles for references that are not confirmed.
Purpose-The site states that, the mission of Just Facts is to research and publish verifiable facts about leading public policy of our time. I find the site entertaining with some thought provoking ideas on certain topics. I do question the validity of most of its articles. There is biase in its works. This site claims to be a non-profit, but true research doe not solicit funds to “shift public opinion”.
- http://www.factcheck.org
Currency-I find the most of the articles to be current and fairly up to date. The most current was June 19, 2015 (Where Does Clinton Money Go?).
Relevance-This site is rich in statistics that would be relevant to me if I need to investigate a topic. The statistics relates to the topic. Most articles have tags that lead to other sites that strengthen the facts given in the article.
Authority-This site is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The URL of this site contains a “.org”, which in most cases gives it some credibility.
Accuracy-Because of the statistical nature of this site and the background of it authors, the information in its articles will more likely than not be true.
Purpose-Factcheck.org aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics by monitoring the accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Their goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.