Welcome to my World

Month September 2016

Trashcans in Courtyard

Walking around in the courtyard at Georgia State University , it’s hard not to run into one of the many trashcans scattered around. There are roughly about 10 trashcans, as far as I could see. They are located in random areas… Continue Reading →

My time in the courtyard at Georgia State University

Here I am sitting in the courtyard at Georgia State University for an hour straight. I am sitting in the hot sun taking notes for my English class as students’/teachers rush by me. I noticed quite a few things during… Continue Reading →

Reading Summary: Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment by Sarah Schindler

Discrimination was a big part of history; particularly in the history of America with the separation of people of color. Not only were people being discriminated through laws and regulations, but architecture was also used to exclude. Although seldom recognized… Continue Reading →

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