Florida School Shooting
An unambiguous picture of the suspect, Nikolas Cruz (19), who is accused of murdering 17 innocent individuals at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool in Parkland, Florida. This millennial walked into a high school and opened fire on innocent kids with no remorse, and it upsets me that he is just making this neutral expression. What bothers me is that because of the color of his skin he was arrest without incident. Now wait, I am not saying that anyone deserves to be beaten/hurt by the police but let’s be completely honest if this were a person of color then this probably would have went a whole different way– maybe the suspect dead. Another point which angers me is that when Cruz was arrested many were quick to blame it on mental health and protests on how we needed more mental health hospitals and to give these individuals in need attention. However, when it came to Ms. Deborah Danner who was killed by a white police officer because of her mental illness and having a BAT [ YES, A BAT NOT A GUN] there was no sympathy shown. There weren’t any “maybe she’s depressed, or even she’s going through something” and this is the world we live in. It bothers me that many are okay with this. It’s beyond sad to see that half of the world thinks guns kill people. The gun is not going to just go off WITHOUT someone behind the trigger. So with that being said people kill people. How can we allow a suspect who shot a dozen people go free and kill the guy who wears a hoodie? I just do not understand if people wouldn’t want this done to them or any of their loved ones why are they so willing to let it happen to others? Like seriously this is the 18th school shooting, and 2018 has just started! Those kids will never get their life back, their parents have to deal with the loss of their children, and we allow it. WOW.