Due to Essay Two not being as good as it can be we took a slight turn on Essay Three. Instead of doing the original project Dr.C gave us the opportunity to revise essay two. However, I was very confident on that essay and when I received my grade I felt as if it was worth so much more than that yet I didn't complain because I had the opportunity to get a better grade. Shitty Rough Draft For Essay #2 (1)-1mksru8 Essay 2: Research Paper (1)-184iw0u So in order to improve my grade I took several steps including going to SI and even Dr.C's office hours. Both sessions were supplemental to me and I received great feedback. However, due to me receiving a "fair" grade the first go round, I didn't have much room for improvement. Although, I know there is ALMOST ALWAYS room for it. - Dr.C has my written turn it in notes so I am just going to screenshot. Essay 2_ Research Paper (1).docx-2h4ebeg So after revising and actually really proof reading my essay, I finished with an A with this masterpiece. Essay 3_ Research Paper (4)-17uyl07