Reflection #6

Reflection on Essay #2

As I was writing essay number two, I was much more confident than I was when writing essay number one. Something about this essay just grabbed me and pulled me in. To me, it felt as if it flowed better than the previous essays I have composed. Generally, it was well written however I know nothing is perfect and there could have been some corrections; grammar wise. Yet I can say that my grammar and word choice has improved from the previous essays.

Although, I did experience some difficulties while writing this which led me to attend SI with Nin and Dr.C's office hours, whom were beyond helpful! 
- quick note: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
They both offered me tips in which I can better my essay and granted me the opportunity to see what I wa doing wrong and what needed to be changed. 

The topic that I had is very controversial so actually putting the paper together as one with some information kind of contradicted my point but it also allowed the reader to see that really guns do not kill people, it is the person behind the trigger. 

Overall, I really enjoyed the journey of researching the fact the if we produce more firearms, we are opening the door for more violence. And that if we don't take a stand and make change, the security of future generations is no longer secured.

If you would like browse at my essay, here's the link.
Essay 2: Research Paper (2)-1lw7vss