I Haz Meme?/ Joseph Bueys


I believe a meme can be art but it is not be valued as other art, for example, a meme can not be placed in an art museum . I think the value of  art comes in when an artist put his passion, hard work, and time into the artwork. creating a  meme does not take time or hard work. all you need is an idea and an idea can definitely be called as art especially when the art is being shared with others people as Joseph Beuys said . I think of a meme as political cartoons because  they both share their idea by being creative. the internet does play a big role in making meme because I have only seen meme art on the internet. internets have made human  more creative and has made everyone a good thinker because if we never had  the internet we would have never seen a meme, that indicates we will never be able to speak up for over believes or share ideas with others.overall I think meme are great they make everyone  laugh and it  makes as view this world as a broader places. I am not  a fan of the memes but I can  enjoy a funny meme once a while, the topics I can relate to are student life, gender, and politics . I do not like the meme that is racist or over the top jokes.

3 thoughts on “I Haz Meme?/ Joseph Bueys

  1. Hi Amna,
    Cute meme! I do agree with you that memes are considered art but the value is way less than an actual painting work of art. I do also enjoying memes with positive humor about life in general. Internet has gone long ways and i’m grateful for all the things it provides to keeps inform and it helps people be more creative.

  2. Hello Amna, That is one funny meme. When I read it I was like aww how cute. That statement reminds me of my thoughts when people tell me that. For one it helps me overcome my self esteem to love myself the way I am an that there is always someone looking. In addition it also helps me accept others who are beautifully plump like me and love and enjoy people’s comments as a good one.

  3. Hello Amna,
    Aww that baby is adorable! That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw your meme. I can definitely see your viewpoint regarding memes as a form of art. Some memes can really have some truth in it and in a way can be a reaction of how our current society is, although I do agree that some of them are just nonsense.

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