Personal Truisms/Jenny Holzier


I erudite that Jenny Holzer truisms are remarkable and engaging. I do agree with some of her truisms. by reading her truisms tells me that she experienced a lot of ups and downs in her life that made her think about what life is as to offer and she wanted to share her thoughts and knowledge. the one that reached out to me was “expressing anger is necessary” I don’t think not many people would agree with it but personally I think that truism is t true because there will be something in your life that will make you angry and you can not just hold it in. angry can teach you a lot about yourself and it can give you the confidence to stand up for what you believe in.
I came up with my truism when I read Jenny Holzer truism “ fear is the greatest Incapacitator ” it made me think how every time we get afraid of something we try to forget about or run away from the fear. instead of never looking back we all should face over fear because it can make you stronger than before and life is short so we can not let fear make choices for as. this truism is important to me because when I went through depression instead of facing my problem I try to runaways from it, but that just made me fragile form inside because there was always something holding me back from doing what I loved so by  admitting my depression and treating it made me a stronger and a better person.

3 thoughts on “Personal Truisms/Jenny Holzier

  1. Hello Amna,
    I definitely agree with you that fear is a major incapacitator. Sometimes we procrastinate way to much about making choices in life. However if we look deeper inside it usually is “FEAR” that it is holding us down. Once we make up our mind or we treat what needs to be treated, it is truly amazing how doors begin to open just because we chose to have a different destination. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  2. Hello Amna,
    Great truism! Fear is such a scary word for a lot of people, including myself. A lot of the times we don’t reach our full potential for fear of failing. You can run away from the bad things in your life but eventually it will catch up to you. Procrastinating will only delay the inevitable; eventually, you’re going to have to deal with whatever it is you’re running away from. I’m glad that you found the strength to recognize and treat your depression. Your mental health is key to a happy and contented life!

  3. Hello Amna, Nice artwork in your piece. I agree Jenny’s thoughts represent her life and her goals as a person. I love your truism it is for a shout of a doubt one of the best statements I have heard all day. It inspires me to realize that fear helps us realize our inner tiger and ability to be bigger and better.

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