Personal Cultural Heritage

Personal introduction- I am from Pakistan. I moved to America 7 years ago with my family since I was in elementary school, I only remembered a glimpse of  Pakistan by learning about my heritage I learned a lot about myself.


Title: Wazir Khan Mosque

Artist: Wazir Khan

Year: 1634



Friday is the Muslims holy day in Pakistani everything is closed that day.this is the reason my mother makes everyone take a day off every Friday for prayers. This is one of the famous mosques in Pakistan it is decorated with most amazing art. My mother used to go to this mosque every Friday with her family before she got married. She had the best memories in this mosque and that’s why she wanted me and my siblings to go to mosque every holiday and after prayer, we go to family and friends house for gathering we pray, eat, talk, and play games. I did not notice this as my personal heritage after my mother told me about her past and because of that I like this day even more and I would like my kids to follow this heritage. Wazir khan mosque has the most beautiful structure and the art made inside of the mosque are breathtaking this image on the inside of the mosque. I did learn that Muslims art does not contain any animals or human. We believe the creation of living forms is unique to god. Muslim art is decorative vocabulary by knowing that this mosque is only decorated with vocabulary this just amazes me. With every word design and the colors, it inspires me more about my culture and where I came from.


Artist: Iqbal Hussain

Title: Pakistan

Year: unknown

This personal heritage has been passed down for 3 generations. It is my grandmother dress. The painting shows how my grandmother dress looks like. my grandmother gave this dress to my anti before she got married as a wedding gift and after sometimes my anti gave this dress to my mother when she got married and know my mother gave this dress to my older sister for her wedding gift and know my sister will pass this down to me and for sure I would like to give to next generation for memories and history. This dress tells me where my grandmother was from because in Pakistan every part/state has their own culture with different language, food, and dress. My grandmother born in Baluchistan- Pakistan and then she moved to Punjab-Pakistan and this artwork expresses how Baluchistan women look and dress. After Learning about my grandmother past, I feel the need to know more about my family history because you never know I might be mixed with all of the Pakistani culture genes and maybe even India.


Title: the Newborn

Artist: Georges de la tour

Year: 1640

Another heritage I have found out is about the newborn baby. Every time there is a new baby born in over family we let a person come from the mosque and announce some holy word in the baby ear to let the baby know that he or she is born as a Muslim. These are some of the words that the person say to the newborn baby” God is Great, I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.” we do know that baby will not understand and will never remember this but it is for protection of child so the baby is safe because god will always be with him. This painting is a Christian artwork and I see the glimpse of my heritage in this because they are reading something to the baby for his protection this might be something we as Muslims and Christian share. I would do this too by kids because I believe it brings out the spiritual side of that child and protects the baby from evil.





High Museum of Art visit

I went to visit the high museum of art in Atlanta. the last time I visited museums, I will in 6th grade. the museum was really crowded but  that might be because of Friday.  It  was definitely more fun that I imagined.  I did get the chance to engage in three activities and view astonishing and stimulating art.

1)photo booth


When I first walked into the museum they placed a photo booth for everyone just has fun memories. The theme was all American flag colors because of the Election Day being so close.

2)ballet couple dance


When I went outside there was a dance practice going on because the ballet dancer had a show at night, unfortunately, I did not get the chance to see their actual performance. by just viewing their practice I knew it was going to be a glamorous show.

3)screen printing


My favorite active was screen printing a bag. I always wanted to do fabric printing. they first gave me a fabric bag and they asked me if I lived inside 285 or outside, based on that  I when to one of the lines. to screen paint, I had to place my bag underneath the board and then put screen printing ink on the board and the last step was to shove hard and move your hand slowly  to get the logo on the was fast and easy to make. I had a lot of fun creating it.


there was amazing artwork in  the museum but this artwork got my attention quick. I just love how it is made with all these drawers and every single drawer as a different shape, colors, and e size. this artwork remedies me of  life experiences  because they are all unorganized and some are big and other are small but all together they making up one  shape. this shape looks a lot of  alike heart maybe because over experience make over heart choices. I think this  artwork is just magnificent. overall I had a good experience and  learned a lot more about art.

I Haz Meme?/ Joseph Bueys


I believe a meme can be art but it is not be valued as other art, for example, a meme can not be placed in an art museum . I think the value of  art comes in when an artist put his passion, hard work, and time into the artwork. creating a  meme does not take time or hard work. all you need is an idea and an idea can definitely be called as art especially when the art is being shared with others people as Joseph Beuys said . I think of a meme as political cartoons because  they both share their idea by being creative. the internet does play a big role in making meme because I have only seen meme art on the internet. internets have made human  more creative and has made everyone a good thinker because if we never had  the internet we would have never seen a meme, that indicates we will never be able to speak up for over believes or share ideas with others.overall I think meme are great they make everyone  laugh and it  makes as view this world as a broader places. I am not  a fan of the memes but I can  enjoy a funny meme once a while, the topics I can relate to are student life, gender, and politics . I do not like the meme that is racist or over the top jokes.

Personal Truisms/Jenny Holzier


I erudite that Jenny Holzer truisms are remarkable and engaging. I do agree with some of her truisms. by reading her truisms tells me that she experienced a lot of ups and downs in her life that made her think about what life is as to offer and she wanted to share her thoughts and knowledge. the one that reached out to me was “expressing anger is necessary” I don’t think not many people would agree with it but personally I think that truism is t true because there will be something in your life that will make you angry and you can not just hold it in. angry can teach you a lot about yourself and it can give you the confidence to stand up for what you believe in.
I came up with my truism when I read Jenny Holzer truism “ fear is the greatest Incapacitator ” it made me think how every time we get afraid of something we try to forget about or run away from the fear. instead of never looking back we all should face over fear because it can make you stronger than before and life is short so we can not let fear make choices for as. this truism is important to me because when I went through depression instead of facing my problem I try to runaways from it, but that just made me fragile form inside because there was always something holding me back from doing what I loved so by  admitting my depression and treating it made me a stronger and a better person.