village life (representational abstract and non-objective)

The representational artwork represents actual objects from real life. Abstraction takes an object from real life but put them in a different way from the reality, or Sometimes artists view the subjects in a non-realist way that can make Abstract artwork. The third type of art mostly looks like Abstract art, but it has no reality. Non-objective art is made only for artist reasons.

  1. 15009

ARTIST: Thomas Hart Benton, American, 1889–1975

TITLE: Haystack

DATE: 1938

This work of art is an example of representational imagery and it is recognized quickly identifying and has a history.  It is less abstract than the next work because of realism.



Artist: Oskar Kokoschka

Title: Girl in Meadow before a Village

Year : 1908

This work of art is an example of representational imagery and is more Stylization than the previous work of art because of less realism and less abstract than the next work because of folk.



Artist: Max Pechstein

Title: Noon A Village

Year: 1919

This work of art is an example of representational imagery and is more abstract than the previous work of art because of emphasizing  lines and shapes and less abstract than the next work because of naturalistic.



Artist: Marc Chagall

Title: I and the Village

Year: 1911

This work of art is an example of abstract imagery and is more abstract than the previous work of art because of shapes and cubism and less non-abjective than the next work because of ideas and feelings inside the people and things.


Village Myths No. 36 1983 Alan Davie 1920-2014 Purchased 1983

Artist:  Alan Davi

Title: Village Myths No. 36

Year: 1983

This work of art is an example of abstract imagery and is more nonobjective than the previous work of art because of use  the elements and less abstract than the next work because of the colors that transform the subject.



Artist: Judith Rothschild

Title: Greenwich Village 

YEAR: 1946


This work of art is an example of abstract imagery and is more nonobjective than the previous work of art because of the use of elements and principle of art and less non-objective than the next work because of Minimalism and Cubism.


Artist: Lyonel Feininger

Title: The Village of Lagerfeld

Year: 1916

This work of art is an example of nonobjective imagery and is more visually stimulating work than the previous work of art because of the use of principles, elements, rhythm, and repetition.




Art In My Environment


this sculpture from a park is trying to tell as history. I relate to this because I remember my grandmother use to tell me stories about how in her village people use to get water from a fountain like that in sculpture.I guess that’s the reason this looks more interesting to me. when I first looked at this work I wondered why this is all gold and black?  and why didn’t the artist didn’t use other colors?  that might be a season because the artist wanted to show the history in his work so he or her used colors like black brown or gold  because it makes the viewer think about old and antique things .I think  the artist tries to express feelings about the dream or some old memories. I believe the artist is trying to tell the viewers something that we do not know like how hard it was for people to get water. they will have to go to the water fountain pull up the water put it in big  water bowls and take that heavy bowl home. the artist is using implied line to get the viewer attention to look at the water bowl. he or she uses unity to create a sense of harmony and wholeness by using similar elements within the composition and placing them in a way that brings them all together.




this art shows a lot of meaning I relate to it because it reminds me of someone brain from inside and in that brain, the person thoughts  are going all over the place but at the same time, they are organized. when I first looked at this art I  felt like it’s a dream that you get sometimes but you can’t really understand it and you don’t even know why a dream like that came to you. I think this art is a religious story. I believe that artist is trying to tell the viewer about the dream or the story that maybe happened to him or her. the first time I looked my eyes went straight to the long green tower that might be the town where the story took place  and I notice that artist uses the Arabic language to maybe give the clues about the story. the  artist does  use organic shapes to make the work look natural and uses variety to make art look more interesting. the artist uses white color to  get over focus so we can notice an important message about the art in that white letter.


Art is a way to express emotions

I define art as a visual image of your imagination and your current situation. people use art to express their feelings, thoughts, and desires. Art can talk for the artist without him or her starting a conversation. I believe that art is everywhere in your room, on streets, at a coffee shop and even in nature. the way you decorate your room wall can tell a lot about you, for example, your dreams, ideas, and emotions. In my room, I have a painting of Eiffel tower. In that painting, some friends are sitting and watching that tower that shows my dreams and expresses my feeling about traveling the world.

In class I learned that art is a way of communication.”all art communicates something” and that art can be everywhere. my definition of art is similar to the class definition. I believe that artist communicates  their feelings or emotions through art.

when it comes to beauty in art to some people beauty plays a big role. They believe that if art is not pretty it’s not an art but I think that art does not have to be all glamorous because an artist feelings are not always beautiful it can be ugly. I do not think art should be about how it looks it should be about how it makes you feel.