
“003: Welcome To The World Of Pokémon!” by Bespin Ben on, under CC BY 3.0

I began to slow down my car, for a familiar grassy patch between the two sides of the road began to take form in the headlights’ beam. The litter-covered road’s shards of glass cease to matter as I begin to remember event that took place here:

I was lost in the weird, dreamy trance sunset always engenders with its golden glow. Taylor had escaped from the house, so I began looking for her around the neighborhood. My head pulsed with stinging pains; I was so worried that Taylor could get hurt. I walked away from the grassy divide to find Taylor being interrogated by two police officers, whose brows were furrowed; they seemed incapable of grasping the fact that Taylor, a fully grown woman, couldn’t speak. Before I could stop myself, I began to laugh as I made my way towards the scene. It was explained to me that Taylor had broken into a neighbor’s house in some sort of quest for toys. Luckily the cops and the neighbors were sympathetic for my description of Taylor and her disposition to roam and steal toys. They were so sympathetic that Taylor was even allowed to keep the toys she attempted to steal, the prized possession being the fuzzy teddy bear.

Later, as we stepped back into our dull, dark house and out of the dreamy air of dusk, Taylor dropped the toys and began to cry. I could see my coming to the rescue was the equivalent to waking her up from a beautiful dream.

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