From what I can tell from the first section of Paradise Lost, Its Satan in Hell after being kicked out by God. Then he meets someone, Death?, and he doesn’t really like him. At some point a bit later, a female gatekeeper who turns out to be Death’s mom, with Satan as the dad, appears. Her name is Sin? She talks about being raped by her own son and spawning monsters from herself hourly. Then they talk about finding a new place to be able to roam freely and destroy together. I give a brief summary for a couple of reasons. First, to show my weak confidence in what is happening. I admit to having difficulties reading the archaic language, especially as a poem. Second, It is hard to find a literal parallel in current events. But if we take out the more infernal details, it is a story that has happened before. Exiles regroup and plan to head out for new lands, and do to them according to their nature…
I AM NOT SAYING IMMIGRANTS ARE EVIL. In Milton’s Paradise lost, evil things head to earth for evil purposes. With immigrants, especially refugees, there is a link in people who loose their original homeland look for new places to have a life. Death, Sin, and Satan want to come to earth to ply their trades, and so do immigrants. They come to make good food and be friendly neighbors. They come to be kind and hardworking workers. They come to find a place for their families. People don’t want to leave their homelands. In Paradise Lost, Satan and his fallen angels fought to be in heaven, just as anyone would prefer to stay home than be forced out. Many people in the country seem to think letting immigrants in is like welcoming Death and Sin in…
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
–Real estate mogul Donald Trump, presidential announcement speech, June 16, 2015
However, Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States. “Some, I assume, are good people” just doesn’t sound as good to voters as “Almost all of them work for their families and take extreme care to not get in trouble”. Death and Sin certainly would be bad to let in if we could control that, but other immigrants today need the chance to come in and pursue what they want as they are usually nothing but beneficial to communities.