Mini – Documentary

Mini Documentaries function similarly to research papers allowing the creator(s) to explore a topic and in turn inform the audience on their findings.

Tips for Filming and Editing

  • Mini-Documentaries function similarly to research papers in that you need a introduction of your thesis, your argument and finding, and a conclusion that summarizes. These act as your beginning, middle, and end.
  • Show more to the audience than tell. Use the visual nature of your project to show audiences what they need to know through video & images. Don’t rely only on text and voice narration.
  • Give your audience time to read text. This includes not placing large amounts of text on the screen at the same time. Test your text by playing the video and reading the text aloud. If you feel rushed, give the text more time or break it up.
  • When interviewing, try to check your location beforehand to see how audio and lighting will be affected in your filming. Remember you want a quiet filming environment that isn’t too dark.


If you are using an iPad to complete this assignment, visit our page “Video Projects on iPad” for tips and documentation for working on the iPad.

Basic Production

Storyboard Template


Finding Media Online

Creative Commons Media Resource List


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