Book Trailer

The book trailer project is an opportunity to show an understanding on the main themes of the book in an a clear visual way. Remember that you want to sell the book, by giving audience a general idea of tone and what it’s about.

Tips for filming and editing

  • Think about the tone of the book and try to convey that tone to your audience in a way that makes them want to read the book for themselves.
  • Storyboards (or shot lists) can help with planning your video. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be an excellent artist and that stick figures and color pencils can help get your point across.
  • Use appropriate music minimally, and consider using your creative commons resources.
  • When working with photos, use cropping effects like ken burns to ‘zoom in’ on important details the audience should pick up on.
  • Take advantage of shot angles and shot size to help communicate mood and tone displayed in the book.


If you are using an iPad to complete this assignment, visit our page “Video Projects on iPad” for tips and documentation for working on the iPad.

Basic Production

Storyboard Template


Finding Media Online

Creative Commons Media Resource List


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