Spencer – Book Trailer

Project Description

For this project, you will be creating book trailers for one of the books we covered in class. The goal of this project is to display knowledge of the book and encourage others to read the book as well. Video should be 1-2 minutes using royalty free media found online. View the write up linked below for more information.

Remember, you can visit the mediaSPOT for help with this project. The mediaSPOT for Dunwoody campus is located in the NE building in room 0180.

Training Date: 2/2/2015
Storyboard Due: 2/25/2015
Final Project Due: 3/23/2015

*Link to Write Up and Rubric*
(we can link to your write up, so students have easy access to it.)

Tips For Completing The Project

(If you have some additional tips you would wish to add on making a successful project, we can add them! This list is customizable.)

  • Think about the tone of the book and try to convey that tone to your audience in a way that makes them want to read the book for themselves.
  • Storyboards (or shot lists)can help with planning your video. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be an excellent artist and that stick figures and color pencils can help get your point across.
  • Use appropriate music minimally and consider using your creative commons resources.
  • When working with photos, use cropping effects like ken burns to ‘zoom in’ on important details the audience should pick up on.
  • Take advantage of shot angles and shot size to help communicate mood and tone displayed in the book.


(mediaSPOT documentation as well as any other important information you wish for students to have access to.)

Finding Media Online

Storyboard Template



(Include previous work from students and links to professional examples you wish for your students to see.)

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