Building the Right Project

Media projects are a great way to engage students while still showcasing traditional course goals like research and communication. This section of the site is here to help you find ideas for projects that suite your curriculum and create an engaging learning experience for your students.

Combining Skills

It always best to start of with the kind of skills you want the students to gain by the end of the assignment. Combining specific skills can give you an idea of what kind of project you want to develop.


Papers icon
  • Collaboration
  • Research
  • Critical Thinking
  • Project Management


computer icon
  • Spreadsheets
  • Programming
  • Website Building
  • Media Editing Software

New Media

media equipment icon
  • Visual Literacy
  • Media Research
  • Internet Writing

Mix & Match Elements

Don’t be afraid to mix elements for larger projects. While it’s best to stick with one media type for an assignment that lasts a couple of weeks. Larger assignments that span a month or the entire semester can mix multiple elements to create a robust project. For example, try adding an infographic to a website to help students understand how to present their information within a variety of mediums.

Tech Guidelines & Rubrics

When describing the project to students take the time to share with students what kind of technology is available to them and what should be in the project. In the case of media projects it’s better to be specific, so give them time minimums/maximums for videos and list how many images you expect to see throughout the project.

Learn more about creating guidelines around media projects and new tech in our rubrics and project outlines page.

Know Your Resources

Make sure you and your students know their resources both on and off campus. On this site, you’ll find a helpful guide to resources you and your students can use throughout the project. CETLOE also offers plenty of advice on learning tools available to faculty and students.

Take the time to recommend software your students should be using for the assignment. There are a lot of options out there and if students are looking in the wrong place they could end up paying for something they didn’t need.

If you’re unsure about what are good choices and what’s available to students, feel free to contact us through the help desk.

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