The Book Trailer Project

The book trailer assignment offers students an engaging alternative to a simple essay on a read for class. Students create short videos about the work they’re reading with the goal of selling the book to their audiences.

From doing a book trailer project students can:

    • Show an understanding of the book’s themes.
    • Learn the basics of visual literacy in film.
    • basic video production and editing.

Students have easy access to tools like:

    • Simple to use video equipment from the Catlab.
    • iMovie: A video editing software for Mac available on Catlab computers.
    • Media research resources to help students find creative commons video, audio, and images to use in their projects.

Some students may be better equipped than others to work on their projects at home using their own software. Do know that the Catlab primarily supports software available on the their machines. Students who use other software should be ready to look to for resources if necessary.

On the iPad:

If you are thinking about checking out iPads for your class from CETLOE, this is a project that can be done using the iPad. Featuring a camera, mic, and access to iMovie on the iPad; students can create projects with a greater deal of flexibility.

Check out the project page:

You can link from iCollege to our project page which features tips, documentation, and examples updated regularly. Never worry about if you have the most up to date information to give your students.


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