Journal Prompt #5

I am really struggling with the upcoming essay #2 that is due soon. I’ve changed my mind three times and to be honest I am having a really hard time finding a common link, motif or theme between two stories. My weakness in writing has always been writing about literature or comparing two pieces of literature . The assignment would be much easier for me if I were able to just analyze one piece of writing and do research on one short story. I don’t have a clear thesis for my paper and I’m not exactly sure which direction I should turn. I’ve spent exactly 48 hours fighting with these stories and different ideas. I’m confident that I will prevail, excel and pull through this eventually.  Maybe I am thinking too hard and just need to relax and write. I am disappointed that I don’t have much to say about my paper at the moment, but that will soon change because one thing is for sure, the due date won’t be  changing anytime soon=)

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