Justice once and for all…



It’s been a few weeks since my world and America’s world was rocked by the sad news of yet another African American man slain by a police officer. Terence Crutcher had the misfortune of being a black man at the wrong time, in the wrong place. However, it worries me deeply that the wrong place could have been anywhere, in his home, his car, in front of a gas station, or on his neighborhood sidewalk. The wrong time could be anytime, at dawn, in the afternoon or at midnight. This leads me to believe that it is not the place or the time that matters to these officers when they make the rash decision to end another mans life, maybe it is simply the color of his skin. Terence Crutcher like so many other black men, was murdered on tape and shot in the streets like nothing more than a dog or a savage. He was disregarded like the Trash collected by the city, killed in an instant as if he wasn’t someone’s son, father,brother or uncle. This news broke my heart and made me feel defeated. I felt as though I was fighting a hopeless, never ending, battle that would somehow get the best of me. What’s the point of going to college? What’s the point of getting an education and trying to better myself If live in a society where black people are still being oppressed? These are the questions I  began to ask myself when I woke up in the early morning to get prepared for school. However, just when I started to feel like all hope was gone, the news was released that the officer who pulled the trigger is being charged with murder! This news brought a smile to my face. At that very moment, the light seemed to flicker on my dark views of America, our Government and our police force. I started to believe or at least hope that African Americans did indeed have a chance to receive justice once and for all.

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