Journal prompt #2



1) The beautiful young woman in the BMW advertisement is depicted as a sew symbol, actually a sex object. The advertisement is obviously marketing to men and sort of degrading and diminishing what it means to be a woman today.


2) The words “You know you’re not the first” are strategically placed near the woman’s chest.  My very first impression is that it must be some sort of sex HIV /condom advertisement urging men to wear a condom because “You know you’re not the first.” Although, that also has a negative connotation, I’m even more surprised to find out the AD is for BMW used cars. My interpretation of the sexual tagline immediately changes. The message BMW is transmitting is that BMW used cars are so alluring, it doesn’t matter if you’re not the first driver. However, I began to wonder if BMW is actually aware of how derogatory,offensive and sexist this advertisement really is to women. It is indeed implying that a woman is “used goods” because she has had sex before! That way of thinking is absolutely unacceptable in today’s modern society.


3) They’re trying to imply that a student is able to save so much money in tuition and fees by attending the community college that they are able to a purchase a beautiful and expensive luxury vehicle. The student is sitting on the car to convey ownership.


4) The words “and save” are typed in a red font with a caret pointing to it, to draw the readers eye to it and make an impression on the reader. The creators of the advertisement want us to know that while college IS about learning, it is also about SAVING.


5) As a college student, I am in no way convinced by the advertisement. It isn’t compelling and it doesn’t persuade me to attend West Hills College. I actually attend a two year college and I am indeed saving money on tuition. However, an emphasis should always be placed on the quality of education that a student can receive at a college/university. Yes, It is obviously critical that students save on tuition in such a financially unstable stage of their lives.However, they should be putting their savings towards their future and not a new luxury car. In my opinion, this advertisements is portraying the wrong image of their college to the public and they should redirect their advertisements to focus on education.

6) I do not find the BMW advertisement amusing AT ALL. I actually find it disrespectful and a bit humiliating to women. We are SO much more than sex objects, in fact… we make up a large percentage of their customers. The advertisement seems to correlate with the old saying “sex sells” but this ad just doesn’t quite sell it right. I don’t think that the creators of this advertisement would have used a man, nearly naked with the words “You know you’re not the first.” written across his chest. It wouldn’t have had the same impact and  because it wouldn’t have complied with they stereotypes of women today. I am disappointed with BMW and if I were a woman looking for a luxury vehicle, I would honestly look elsewhere.

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