Writing Journal Prompt #7



For decades, there has been a lot of personal and political debates about US immigration policy’s. During the 2016 presidential election both candidates seemed to have very strong views about US Immigration Laws. As an American citizen and a voter, I wanted to become more informed about immigration laws and how they affect the country. I discovered a very informative article regarding how the US immigration system works on www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org. The current immigration law  described as very complex, there are only a certain number of immigrants allowed in the US annually and those wanting to migrate have to meet certain qualifications. The three most commonly accepted reasons for one to legally migrate to America are family based, employment-based or for protection of refugees. Although, the laws governing immigration are quite strict and complicated, I think this system is absolutely necessary . It’s necessary for people who were born in a different country, to have the free will to migrate with the intent to make a better life for themselves. The American dream is a reality for so many American’s and it unarguably selfish, unjust and  immoral to make it harder for decent, everyday, working people to improve their quality of life. I get so upset and overwhelmed whenever I hear President- elect Donald Trump make such offensive, brash comments regarding immigrants because I have a personal, and very emotional relationship to immigration as an African American .  The slave trade during the mid 17th century forced millions of Africans to migrate to America, to be sold as property and treated as animals. Although, I obviously disapprove of the way Africans were brought to this country, I must admit that today, I am enjoying the fruits of my Ancestors labor. The opportunities in America are endless, and I feel as though I can be as great as I aspire to become because I do reside in the Land of Promise.

I think that US policies on immigration are useful and effective in assuring people from all over the world have a fair opportunity to migrate to America. I do agree with Trump’s proposition to screen potential immigrants to make sure one doesn’t have a violent past and a criminal history and that one is truly traveling to the US with good intentions. However,Its is a countries responsibility to accept immigrants and refugees who are suffering and thirsty for a chance to live a better life. How can we be so cold to say we need to secure our borders and deport millions of immigrants, just because they may be here illegally? So many of these people just wanted to escape the dangerous environments that they were forced call home. One thing that I’ve learned in life is that there are good people and there are bad people all over the world. I don’t see why genuinely “good people” shouldn’t be allowed to call America home. We need to focus on penalizing the “bad people” whether they are immigrants or they’re American. No matter what, one facts remains, It is our duty as human beings to help motivate and lift each up and I think that  immigration does just that.


Sources: www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org , https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShv_JBofuYwo5NP0vDLJ-gp5_ULC20Z3SqMdWct5WdQzqnHQXL



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