Intro Studio

Three Drawings

Date: 11/10/2021 Medium: Ink, watercolor paint, white colored pencil, white gel pen. These drawings are based on the setting of my sequential narrative The Witch Hunt. The first image is the location the 2 characters Alexis and Belle are running towards in order to escape execution. I used ink and watercolor to create this piece. […]

Sequential Narrative

Title: The Witch Hunt Date: 12/13/2021 Medium: Ink, watercolor paint The objective of this project was to create a story in which I am the hero. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to do a story set in medieval times and that I would be a witch. Since I was a kid I’ve […]

Altered Book

Title: Scorned Date: 10/20/2021 Medium: Paper, clay, acrylic paint, book I did this project on the book True Evil by Greg Iles. This book is about a man finding out his wife’s plans to have him murdered. There’s an organization that murders people’s spouses for money and Greg would become a victim of that organization […]

Compassion Poster

Title: You Are Enough Date: 10/01/2021 Medium: Paper. The purpose of this project was to promote compassion towards a certain group and I believe the most important and often forgotten person one must be compassionate towards is themselves. People easily come up with words to uplift others’ days but when the time comes for them […]

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