Sequential Narrative

Title: The Witch Hunt

Date: 12/13/2021

Medium: Ink, watercolor paint

Page 1 of narrative
Page 2 of narrative
Page 3 of narrative.
Page 4 of narrative.
Page 5 of narrative.

The objective of this project was to create a story in which I am the hero. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to do a story set in medieval times and that I would be a witch. Since I was a kid I’ve been interested in supernatural powers(and later on mythology), so I was attracted to shonen anime and witchy shows. I’ve always known if I made a comic someday the protagonist would have powers. During this project, I had to tackle many of my weaknesses as an artist. As someone who isn’t the most experienced in drawing backgrounds, I knew it’d likely be much easier if I set my story in a modern-day city since buildings have more structure than forestry, but I was determined to follow through with the concept I had.

In this story, I’m fleeing with a girl accused of being a witch. We’re being pursued by people from the village we’re from. Soon three men from the village spot us and I use my magic to defeat them before we make our escape to the refuge for witches, a castle where witches reside and can live safely without worry. It is also a safe haven for the accused since both witches and accused witches are victims of humanity’s need to kill things they don’t understand.


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