My Research

My PhD thesis research focuses on the evolution of behaviors in invertebrates, neurotransmitter receptor evolution, and single-neuron gene expression.

Here are some of my publications. Asterisks (*) indicating an undergraduate co-author.

  1. Tamvacakis AN and Katz PS (In preparation) Identification of serotonin receptors in single neurons controlling Tritonia diomedea swimming, and comparison of their expression levels in neuron homologues from swimming and non-swimming species.
  2. Senatore A, Boykin J, Tikir S, Tamvacakis AN, Ganupuru P*, and Katz PS (in preparation) Orthologue-guided prediction of secreted proteins from transcriptome data reveals conserved gene expression levels of orthologous neuropeptide genes in the sea slug brain.
  3. Senatore A, Guan W, Monteil A, Tamvacakis AN, Artinian L, Rehder V, Spafford JD (Accepted to J. Biol. Chem.) The T-type calcium channel from basal eumetazoan Trichoplax adhaerens highlights the evolutionary history and fundamental features of the Cav3 channel family.
  4. Sakurai A, Tamvacakis AN, Katz PS (2016) Recruitment of polysynaptic connections underlies functional recovery of a central pattern generator circuit after lesion. eNeuro, Aug 26: 3(4). PMID:27570828
  5. Tamvacakis AN, Senatore A, Katz PS. (2015) Identification of genes related to learning and memory in the brain transcriptome of the mollusc, Hermissenda crassicornis. Mem. 22(12):617-21. PMID:26572652
  6. Sakurai A, Tamvacakis AN, Katz PS (2014) Hidden synaptic differences in a neural circuit underlie differential behavioral susceptibility to a neural injury. eLife, 7554/eLife.02598 PMID: 24920390
  7. Jhala S*, Tamvacakis AN, Katz PS (2011) Toward locating the source of serotonergic axons in the tail nerve of Aplysia. Neuroscience. 11(2): 91-96. PMID: 21877137