This module contains the following five sections:
(1) Summary of Content
(2) Powerpoint – Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults
(3) Expert Interview (Podcast) – “A Discussion about Dementia and Urinary Incontinence (UI)”
(4) Case Studies and Discussion Questions
(5) Additional Resources – Instructor Notes, Presentation Handouts and References
Urinary Incontinence (UI) is a problem experienced by many older adults and can have a profound effect on their lives. Coping with incontinence can be challenging for older adults and their caregivers. There are different types of incontinence and a variety of treatment options.
This module includes an overview of the types of incontinence, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. The specific topic of older adults with dementia and incontinence and their caregivers is also addressed.
Guest Speaker Biography:
Nicole Davis, MSN, Ph.D. Candidate has worked for 11 years as a board certified Adult and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner and more recently as part of the Incontinence Clinical and Research Team in the Birmingham/Atlanta Geriatric, Research, and Clinical Center at the Atlanta Veterans Administration Hospital. She has expertise in urinary incontinence, the needs of the aging, and using telehealth to assist senior caregivers in reducing their burden when caring for a family member with incontinence. Ms. Davis has lectured and published on these topics. She has also received several awards and funding for her work. Ms. Davis is a National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence Patricia G. Archbold Scholar, which recognizes her commitment and strong research agenda in gerontological nursing and urinary incontinence. Ms. Davis received her Master of Science degree in Nursing from Duke University and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions, Georgia State University.
Ms. Davis’ dissertation is entitled “Using Telehealth to Support Informal Caregivers of Elders with Urinary Incontinence.” Ms. Davis’ pilot research examines the possibility and practicality of a technology-facilitated, behavioral intervention that supports the caregivers of incontinent patients. The intervention provides the caregivers with UI management information and skill development in prompting the patient with incontinence to pass urine in a controlled fashion. Finally, the intervention will supply the caregiver with individual telephone support from a nurse specializing in urinary incontinence. Ms. Davis hopes her pilot research will determine the impact of this intervention on the quality of life for patients and caregivers.
Podcast Topic and Location:
“A Discussion about Urinary Incontinence and Older Adults”
In this podcast, Nicole Davis, MSN, ANP, BS, GNP-BC discusses her experience in caring for older adults with Urinary Incontinence and Dementia and supporting family caregivers. Podcast can be located within the powerpoint (above)- Slide #24 or by clicking below:
Instructor Notes – Instructor Notes – Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults
Presentation Handouts – Handouts – Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults
References – References – Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults