Miraftab, Faranak, and Inc ebrary. Cities and Inequalities in a Global and Neoliberal World. 2015. Web. 4th February 2016.
This section of this article that discusses the built environment of Atlanta is called The Politics of Relocating Atlanta’s Poor and it explores how needs of the economic elite have shaped where low-income citizens are allowed to live through the strategic placement of public housing complexes and provides visual aides in the form of photos, maps and tables displaying relevant data. It explains that there have been 4 phases of public housing in Atlanta: 1) Birth of Atlanta’s public housing, 2) Expanding the City and moving public housing out, 3) Projects get smaller and tenants get poorer, and 4) Public Housing is reduced during the Olympics. Kirkwood’s place in this process comes in phase 3, as public housing land gets pushed away from downtown to make room for financial districts and more middle class white families move to the suburbs. It states that Kirkwood shifted from majority white to majority black within a few years. This article would be useful to anyone attempting to show the progression of the built environment in Atlanta and the effect of racism and classism on the citizens of Atlanta and their ability to choose where they can live. This article doesn’t appear to have any major flaws that affect my use of it in examining Kirkwood as a built environment. I chose this article because it is one of only a few I could find that mentioned Kirkwood specifically in the capacity that I desired to research it in.