13 Reasons Why

Background Information

In 2017, Netflix released its new show, 13 Reasons Why which immediately started trending on Netflix, Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of media. The plot of the first season was centered around a high schooler named Hannah Baker who committed suicide. Before taking her life, she recorded 13 tapes explaining the 13 reasons why she would take her life. Each tape was given to the person that she felt influenced her death. For many years, people have felt that suicide themed shows and movies like 13 Reasons Why could lead to negative impacts on its viewers. Due to the Werther Effect, which is the belief that seeing or hearing about suicide will lead to more suicides, some feel the show could cause suicide contagion (Cruikshank). Additionally, due to its graphic and explicit scenes of not only suicide, but sexual assault and drug use, many began to question the shows true impacts on its young audience.