I am a PhD researcher in the Biology department at Georgia State University. My doctoral research focuses on developing new therapeutic targets to improve Inflammatory Bowel Diseases treatments.
I am passionate about education, FOOD, volleyball and of course science! If you can’t find me in the lab, working on my research project, I am probably in my “second lab” helping my teaching assistants with everything they need for their classes to go smoothly.
I spend a lot of time in school but when I am out, I love spending time with my little family. I am married to a smart and loving “chulo” (Spanish is my native language) and we have a beautiful daughter called Jellybean (our cat). We both love science, photography, cooking, going outdoors and many other things…
I like making new friends, so please stop by and say Hello if you ever read my posts!
Queda prohibido no sonreír ante los problemas, no luchar por lo que quieres, abandonarlo todo por miedo, no convertir en realidad tus sueños – Pablo Neruda