If you are student that doesn’t know how to start studying, then these tips might help you. To be honest, I have been in the same place as you, but I was able to figure it out and adapt as I go further in my career.
First, you need to be aware that if you are only using one method to study you are doing it wrong. You need to be open to try different techniques and see which ones the effective ones are. One thing I am sure is that these techniques might vary depending on the type of class you are taking so you just have to be ready to apply them and adapt.
You might be asking yourself, how do I know which ones are effective? Well, you are all scientist and you will learn from your errors! Haha (at least that’s how I did)
The first thing you need to take a look at is your cognitive learning. If by using a particular technique you feel that are confident about the material and you are able to understand and apply it, then this technique might be effective for you. The second thing is of course the results. If you are not successful, you need to sit and reflect on the questions you missed and start thinking how you will study for that question next time. You can try to incorporate another method or adapt the one you are already using. If you are successful, this doesn’t mean this is the end, you should also try to incorporate new methods and test yourself.
So far, the method that worked for me, in my heavy material classes, was the SQ3R. This means, the scan, ask questions, read, recite, and repeat.