This assignment was from Dr. Howard’s English 3140, Editing for Publication course during the Fall semester of 2014. It is a transcription of an original document written by Stetson Kennedy now archived in the GSU library.
This assignment was the first step in an editing project in which we attempted to recreate the design of an original written artifact as closely as possible in order to copy edit it by hand. Unfortunately, my hand-edited copy was destroyed in a flood. As such, the edited copy would, theoretically, be intended for the original author.
I selected this piece as an example of my abilities to recreate design aesthetics, an essential component in visual and spacial rhetoric. Below my transcription I have provided a link to the GSU archive page for the original piece.
My transcription is extremely similar in likeness to the original, and I believe this to be its strongest quality, but I would very much like to still have the copy with my hand edits; I could then have demonstrated my editing abilities alongside transcription abilities.
Original Archived Piece
Image Credit: Portrait of Stetson Kennedy. Digital image. Georgia State Univeristy Library Blog. Traci Drummond, 4 Nov. 2013. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.