ENGL 3050: Final Paper

This piece was for Dr. Lopez’s English 3050, Introduction to Rhetoric and Advanced Composition during the Fall semester of 2014. The assignment was to write a research paper on the subject of rhetoric in relation to a topic of our choice.

This research paper was written with the intended audience being those in the field of Rhetoric and Composition and those interested in Feminism or Women’s Studies. I selected this item as it was the final product of my first course in the field of Rhetoric and Composition, and the first example of my application of my departmental studies to subjects for which I have great personal interest.

I believe that my application of sources was strong for the point I was at in my departmental career, though my writing had yet to mature to a the point where I was not rushing through my points. Were I to revise this piece, I would go into more depth with my arguments, and I would especially rewrite my hasty conclusion paragraph.

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Image Credit: Bielousov, Anton. Toronto Slutwalk. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 3 Apr. 2011. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.