This piece was for Dr. Holmes’s English 3120, Digital Writing & Publishing during this Spring semester of 2016. It was an in-class assignment in which we were given a block of text and asked to “webify” that chunk of text.
The intent behind this was to demonstrate the rhetoric behind how websites, and news sites in particular, are designed. As this was only a short in-class assignment, and we have yet to be assigned any larger projects, I worked on this assignment at length outside of class to make it suitable to include in my portfolio.
As far as the English courses I took at GSU, visual and spacial rhetoric were rarely given much attention (I was never able to take Visual Rhetoric due to my work schedule) outside of MLA formatting. I believe this piece to be a fine example of my understanding of how presentation affects a text, particularly in the digital realm. Were I given more time, I would have liked to study a few more news sites and combine their design aesthetics with the ones I drew from
Image Credit: Souza, Tyler. Browser Window Mockup Preview. Digital image. Activate Saga. N.p., 22 Aug. 2014. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.