This piece was for Dr. McLoed’s English 3105, Practical Grammar during the Fall semester of 2015. The first document is a reflection on the experience editing the second document: an edited copy of a paper I wrote for Intro to British Literature.
As a reflection, the primary audience for this piece is myself. Writing this piece allowed me to acknowledge tropes in my writing and grammatical issues that are common to my writing. This has been particularly useful as recognizing this habits has made it easier to avoid and correct them in my writing since this course.
I believe these pieces are strong in their editing for grammar. However, were I given more time, I would have liked to edit the content of the paper, or at the very least edited for grammatically-correct tropes that I have come to recognize in my writing style.
Image Credit: Dore, Gustave, and Robin Bates. Satan in “Paradise Lost” Digital image. Http:// N.p., 15 May 2012. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.