Grading and Evaluation
Superior | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Failing |
100 to 98 = A+ | 89 to 88 = B+ | 79 to 78 = C+ | 69 to 60 = D |
97 to 93 = A | 87 to 83 = B | 77 to 70 = C | Below 60 = F |
92 to 90 = A- | 82 to 80 = B- |
Course Evaluation
Evaluation for English 1102 will be determined by the following percentages:
Assignment | Weight |
Visual Analysis (3 pages) | 15% |
New Media Project (3-5 pages) | 15% |
Civic Engagement/Community-Based Writing Essay (3-5 pages) | 15% |
Rhetorical Precis | 5% |
Final Essay (6-8 pages plus Works Cited) | 20% |
Attendance | 15% |
In-Class Activities and Homework | 15% |