Project 6 Imaginative

first drawing:

second drawing:

third drawing:

Name of Artist: Austin Phillips

Date Completed: Dec 6, 2023

medium: stone henge paper, charcoal, Charcoal pencil, sponge, and conte crayon

Introduction: The goal of Project 6 is centered around the different Elements of Art Structure. The  Structure comprises visual variables we need to communicate or express in our project. The variables we need to use are lines, shapes, values, and textures.

Artist approach: For project 6, I wanted to create an abstract art piece but at The same time had people in that made it stand out. I went for a more dangerous and dark fantasy feeling when I did both pieces. before we did our drawing the whole class had to be blindfolded to make scribbles and later see what shapes we could create. The mistake I made being blindfolded was not finding or remembering where I put my charcoal every time I would lay it down. After we did the blindfold we had to then erase and reapply textures to see what kind of shapes that I could get. l then create lots of dark shadowing while adding mid-range value to create a nice balance and blend. Then I went with the orange conte crayon to add lighting to my object. I then added my white conte crayon to create high-light textures around the darker spaces of the object so it could to life.

value homework assignment

Name of Artist: Austin Phillips

Date Completed: October 2, 2023

medium: Charcoal, Charcoal pencil, value sponge, Drawing sketch pad 18 by 24, eraser

introduction: This project aims to use values with different light varieties so the object can be shown adequately.  For homework, I used apples, grapefruit, bananas, a knife, and a fruit basket as my objects.

Austin’s Approach: Like project or homework, had us use full-range values to have the object come to life. The values ratio we would use is dark to light ratio for texture and shadowing.  while adding lots of light values to give our drawing depth to look 3D. The mistakes I made in this assignment were having certain areas too dark and having the fruit basket look a little off when it came to having it stand upright.