- Questions
- Could you tell me a memorable story related to your experience with your culture?
- What has your experience been like growing up as Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta?
- What frustrations do you have with the Vietnamese community in Metro Atlanta?
- Have you ever tried to resolve any of these issues?
- What have you or other people tried to do to resolve some of these issues and how have they succeeded or failed?
- If someone were to do something about the issues related to Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta what could that look like?
- Interviewee 1 Summary
- Interviewee 1
- February 25, 12:30 Pm, Vietnamese students from other universities
- Summarized Responses
- Emotions- excitement, stressed, regret
- Values- peace, authenticity, self-respect
- User trying to do: build self confidence in other people
- Current solutions: bring awareness of Asian culture
- Deficiencies to those solutions: people aren’t willing to learn or open to learn
- Typical source of advice/knowledge- Youtube
- Pertinent information: advocate for BIPOC rights, GTA color alliance
- Analysis: The biggest issue this person seemed to possess was a sense of security in being authentic in their cultural heritage, but is now confident enough and secure enough to be authentically Vietnamese and wishes to inform others of their experience.
- Reflection: The user is trying to basically catch up on the years they lost not being true to who they were because of the combination of White society shaming them for their culture but also an attempt to fit in