interview 2

Step 1: Interviews

Interviewee 2

  1. Questions for Interviewee: Write the three or four of the questions that elicited the best responses. How did these change based on previous experience?
    1. What has your experience been like growing up as Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta?
    2. What frustrations have you experienced growing up as Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta?
    3. What frustrations do you have with the Vietnamese community in Metro Atlanta?
    4. What have you or other people tried to do to resolve some of these issues and how have they succeeded or failed?

These questions elicited the best responses despite the user not initially producing expanded answers.

  1. Interviewee Response Summary
    1. March 2nd, 9:00 pm. Georgia State Vietnamese Student Association
    2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
      1. Emotions- pride, anxious
      2. Values- justice, loyalty, learning
      3. what is the user trying to do? Spread awareness about current issues related to racism against Asians
      4. current solutions- posting on social media and invoking conversations
      5. deficiencies of current solutions- it might not be proactive enough to promote an action
      6. typical source of advice/knowledge- other Asians and Vietnamese people posting on Instagram
      7. other pertinent information- used to be a part of the Vietnamese youth program at my church.

Interviewee 3

  1. Questions for Interviewee: Write the three or four of the questions that elicited the best responses. How did these change based on previous experience?
    1. What has your experience been like growing up as Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta?
    2. What frustrations do you have with the Vietnamese community in Metro Atlanta?
    3. If someone were to do something about the issues related to Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta what could that look like?

This user is a good age however it also at this age that a user might not be entirely given the opportunity to be involved in their community.

  1. Interviewee Response Summary
    1. March 2nd, 9:36 pm, Vietnamese still in K-12
    2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
      1. Emotions- empowered, pressured, bitter
      2. Values- individuality, humanity and fairness
      3. what is the user trying to do? – This user tries to change perspective of older generations starting within in their own home. They speak to their mother about times when she is being judgmental.
      4. current solutions- communication with older generation
      5. deficiencies of current solutions- mother does not necessarily have other Vietnamese friends
      6. typical source of advice/knowledge- their own family’s understanding of culture
      7. other pertinent information- mixed Salvadoran and Viet. In middle school.

Interviewee 4

  1. Questions for Interviewee: Write the three or four of the questions that elicited the best responses. How did these change based on previous experience?
    1. Could you tell me a memorable story related to your experience with your culture?
    2. What has your experience been like growing up as Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta?
    3. What frustrations do you have with the Vietnamese community in Metro Atlanta?
    4. If someone were to do something about the issues related to Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta what could that look like?

This user has had a lot of experience with deep involvement in the Vietnamese community in Metro Atlanta.

  1. Interviewee Response Summary
    1. March 2nd, 10: 28 pm, Vietnamese youth program at my church
    2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
      1. Emotions- annoyed, prideful, emboldened
      2. Values- education, activism, leadership
      3. what is the user trying to do? – This user is trying to enforce more diversity and inclusion training in their many organization involvements.
      4. current solutions- educating youth at a young age, before high school. Informing older generations
      5. deficiencies of current solutions- education system lacks the head on introduction of diversity. Older generations cannot just be informed without an impetus to change.
      6. typical source of advice/knowledge- social media, business ethics courses
      7. other pertinent information- UGA Vietnamese Student Association President, Classroom Leader in youth program at my church

 Interviewee 5

  1. Questions for Interviewee: Write the three or four of the questions that elicited the best responses. How did these change based on previous experience?
    1. Could you tell me a memorable story related to your experience with your culture?
    2. What frustrations do you have with the Vietnamese community in Metro Atlanta?
    3. What have you or other people tried to do to resolve some of these issues and how have they succeeded or failed?
    4. If someone were to do something about the issues related to Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta what could that look like?
  1. Interviewee Response Summary
    1. March 3rd 5:40 pm, Vietnamese Community of Georgia Member
    2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
      1. Emotions- pride, connected, lost, ashamed. disappointed
      2. Values- sense of community, familial respect, self-identity
      3. what is the user trying to do? The user is trying to reconnect in some way with their profound roots that they had when they were more involved with Vietnamese organizations.
      4. current solutions- organizations that are culturally centered
      5. deficiencies of current solutions- many of these organizations have political leanings that are harmful and a lot of them also have specific religious ties whether they are Catholic of Buddhist
      6. typical source of advice/knowledge- closest group of friends
      7. other pertinent information- former member of Vietnamese Community of Georgia, former member of Vietnamese Americans Community


Step 2. Analysis: Analyze your notes, think about observations you have made, and group them into patterns

All of the interviewees were at some point heavily involved in a religious/cultural based organization but have either phased out or no longer as attached to the organization. School was not a place where they could find pride in their culture. All interviewees had a sense of attachment and loyalty to their culture but it also depended on their individual effort to be connected to their culture whether or not they retained their ties.

Step 3. Insights: Reflect on the patterns you identified… what is the user trying to do? What are your first insights after hearing five interviews?

The organizations and systems in place failed them to maintain a clear cultural root while being involved in their daily American lives. All of these users are trying to spread awareness of some facet of living as Vietnamese in Metro Atlanta whether that be advocacy for the protection against violence by other races or advocacy for other BIPOC races. Despite differing in the families they come from, their experiences are very similar, especially having all grown up in Metro Atlanta.