summary of expert interview
expert qualifications
- former public relations and marketing cabinet of Vietnamese Student Association at the University of Georgia (UGA VSA)
- former president of UGA VSA
- board/committee member in various capacities with Union of Vietnamese Student Associations in the Southeast (UVSA Southeast)
The expert states the problem is worth solving because it has been solved to a certain capacity in different cities. The main obstacles to the problem being solved is that not everyone has had the same experience, distinct differences between the older and younger generations, and politics has a way of making a generational divide. Finances is another obstacle to solving this problem. Expert emphasized that there are always attempts to tackle this issue, but no one necessarily follows through. Many Vietnamese youth in Metro Atlanta find a cultural connection through religious institutions (Catholic churches or Buddhist temples), but those are not sustainable or open for everyone. Expert proposed solutions of starting collaborative initiatives between high school and collegiate programs, a sort of mentor/mentee program. Spoke basically about giving people something to do other than school.