I used charcoal pencil and tried my best to work from left to right to avoid smudging. I used value to try and show shadows and lighter and darker areas based on the light source I was using.
For this assignment we had to draw a light square without a ruler for our edges. I first made four marks so I would later be able to complete the full square shape. Once I had the four corners marked I began to draw the headset from left to right so I would lessen that chances of smudging. I used my charcoal pencil on its side to draw the headset. Once I completed the headset drawing I used the charcoal pencil to fill in the rest of the background using a consistent pattern.
Below are the two posters I completed for the Compassion project. The image including the green background represents my compassion for African American mental health. The image including the pink background resembles my compassion for the LGBTQ+ Community. More specifically, it relates to transgenders and their lack of provided healthcare. For the LGBTQ+ poster I used images to create a rainbow’s shape. On and around the rainbow are simply images and words that represent my primary meaning for the project. For the mental health poster I used articles relating to mental health in black communities as the background. I then showed African American celebrities and specific mental health battles they face in their lives.