For my value assignment I used five objects that mean something to my life. I started with rubbing vine charcoal over the paper and then proceeding to blend it. I used a huge light source and placed it behind me to the left. Starting from left to right, I chose this shoe because this particular shoe is one of fifty. The shadow under the shoe allows you to comprehend the direction of the light source. The second object I chose was my foam roller. I workout on a consistent basis and the foam roller is a major key in my recovery process and time. The third object is my drum cymbal that I’ve had as a part of my drum set since I was in elementary school. The fourth object goes hand in hand with my second object. I use my blender to make protein shakes and workout drinks. I also chose it because we had to use a variety of textures and materials. My last object was my Coca-Cola coin bottle.
MATERIALS • vine charcoal ; use blending tools for smudging ; three different erasers are required (white plastic, kneaded, and Art Gum).