Expert Interview Summary

Expert Interview 

For my expert interview, I decided to interview full-time photographer/videographer Evan Ranft. Evan also has a popular YouTube channel that specializes in guidance for up and coming photographers. The interview focused on a  problem I identified in the creative industry on how it is at times much harder for creative professionals who work in freelance to network with other like minded creatives and how that has been multiplied during the covid-19 pandemic. Upon speaking to Evan he agreed with me that the problem is worth solving as someone that is currently working in freelance he has found building a network and a solid connection extremely important to the success of his career but concluded that networking is not an easy task. We spoke of what could have been a potential solution to solve the networking problem an app called clubhouse which allowed creatives to speak to other creatives on a wide array of subjects but that app did not help with establishing local connections. After speaking to Evan I concluded my biggest obstacle to solving the problem is figuring out obtainable solutions to the problem, he and I both brainstormed a bit on how the problem could be solved but could not come up with a clear and apparent answer. Pitfalls I should avoid are jumping in or going all in a solution without doing proper market research on my solution. I concluded after speaking to Evan that I need to speak to a few more established freelance creatives to get their perspective on the problem. Overall, the conversation with Evan proved to be an engaging and fruitful experience.