Final Prototype:
For my final prototype I decided to create a visual on how CreatiGo would look when the app is opened. These are direct screenshots focusing on what CreatiGo plans to offer below is the breakdown for each screen.
Screen 1: The CreatiGo loading screen when opening the app, featuring the classic CreatiGo logo.
Screen 2: Tab menu that lets you go to the different functions of the app.
Screen 3: The CreatiGo visual feed, partly inspired by Instagram the Creatigo profile visual feed allows creatives to showcase high resolution and high quality visuals of their work
Screen 4: The Creatigo timeline, a space where people can share thoughts, promote events and showcase their work.
Screen 5: A map that showcases networking and art events happening in your local area for that night.
Screen 6: A bigger calendar showcasing upcoming events that CreatiGo is featuring.
Screen 7: The creators lab tab, a tab curated by Creatigo which are partnered with CreatiGo to provide digital workshops, tips and guidance to CreatiGo users.