Andy Acosta, Floating Items. Water Color, Charcoal. Stonehenge 22×30
Project II: Memory Image
- Project number two for intermediate drawing class was called Memory Image. The assignment was to recall something that was profound to us and had an impact on us. We then had to select five objects that could relate to this memory one being a photograph of a setting relating to the memory. We had to bring in a variety of shapes and colors and find some sort of connection between the pieces. Below are the objects that came to my head while I was brain storming for this piece. We first had to draw all the items together using charcoal with no rubbing. The second piece consisted of all the items in the picture setting and the third is a type of union of all the elemental pieces.
Andy Acosta, Eagle Colors 2017. Ilford Multigrade Rc Glossy, Water Color Parchment Paper . 9×12
- This assignment was all about portrait and the many layers of self. We had to gather up a 9′ x 12′ tracing pad and utilize any materials available to create a self portrait throughout 30 pages. We started from the back and make representations of ourselves throughout the pages. We were required to use ink, print making techniques, and variations of colors to make this happen. At first I took this project literal and began to just draw myself using charcoal. I then after the second drawing began to tap into my aura and then later so on into spirituality. After a while my brain waves took over and I allowed my body and brain to create the lines and motions of charcoal onto the page creating these organic patters of line. Near the end I was able to let free with my materials and I created some paint expressions works I uploaded above one of myself and some with swirls. The swirls are beautiful to me representing rapid stress and fast movement, when I look at this I can feel the intensity of the moment when I created this, it’s almost a time stamp filled with urgency. The eagle was a recommendation made by my professor Alembik. I took one of my photographs cut it up and glued it on to the painted paper, it’s a neat idea I will definitely try again. Lastly here the red and the white wash is amazing with the touches of charcoal bringing a feeling of contrasting radiating washed out heat.
Jan van Eyck & Frans Hals
Frans Hals, Married Couple in a Garden: Portrait of Issac Massa and Beatrix van der Laen.ca. 1622. Oil on canvas. 55×65 1/2″ Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Jan van Eyck & Frans Hals
Jan Van Eyck and Frans Hals are two big artists in the books that are widely compared together. Each have created an image both containing couples expressing some type of love bond or statement of commitment for each other. Even though there are great similarities between both paintings the Jan Van Eyck “Arnolfini Portrait” and Frans Hals “Married Couple in Garden, Portrait of Isaac Massa and Beatrix van der Laen,” one seems to carry more meaning and symbolism then the other but they still express strong incidental similarity between the couples and both seem to include the painter and us as an audience.
Eyck from the 15th century is recognized in history as the inventor of oil painting. He brought out this Flemish style and heavy Christian symbolism in his work. It is hard to pinpoint the beginnings of Jan’s life, (EYCK, Jan van or Jean) he had a brother that was apparently a painter and trained him in his early years of his life. Vast of his work is contradicting and the real meaning behind some of his pieces are still unknown.
Frans Hals came around a century later in the Baroque era from Haarlem, Antwerp. He surpassed others in his portraiture skills and he mostly drew everything from real life. His style, (Ingeborg Worm and Agnes Groot) includes heavy brush strokes that successfully created this light in his depictions. However, many people used to label the technique as lazy during his time. He definitely surpassed other artists during his time in the portraiture and genre work.
The oil painting by Jav Van Eyck is heavy with symbolism. Historians are not sure who these people are anyways and what exactly they are doing but it does seem to be some type of marriage contract. We get a sense of the painter in the picture as well through the reflection in the mirror and his signature above. Finding some text that explain what some of the objects in this painting mean, (DeWitte 384) the painting is filled with symbolism in objects and through religion. Depictions of Christ is in the wall with the mirror the candle could reference to Christ presence in their binding. There are also signs of great wealth in this picture, the mirror and chandelier are very expensive for the time. Oranges and Lemons were also expensive at the time and represent the time before the sinning in the Garden of Eden. The dog exemplifies fidelity as well as wealth. The man stands near a window to show that he is part of the outside and the woman stands near a bed with her hand on her stomach holding figs, this is all symbolizes the fact that she wants children.
The painting “Married Couple in Garden”, (Davis 715) is a little similar to Jan Van Eycks. This painting of this lavishly dressed couple in a garden on a beautiful day contains much more emotion then the painting before. While in Eycks painting we get a sense of still stares but in this garden image we feel them with their bright smiles. We also get a sense of the painter the way the couple is looking at us. They are dressed nicely so they must have some kind of fortune and they were able to afford this commission. There seems to be a valid emotional tie between the two and it doesn’t seem so much as a contract like Arnolfini. However, this paining in the garden seems to have no symbolism or hidden meaning just a sense of continuous action like the man is talking, the audience also get a feel for their affection.
Saying these two paintings the “Arnolfini Portrait” and the “Married Couple in Garden” are similar is true. The “Arnolfini Portrait” is fine and carries more heavy hidden symbolism and a mystery behind it, however, it lacks emotion and gives us a sense of forced contracted binding. The garden seems to just be a still moment in life of real happiness between these two and a sense of a moment where the man is communicating to the painter. Both give a sense of the painter, the reflection in the mirror from Eyck and the way the man and woman is looking and probably talking to the painter or viewers.
Davies, Penelope J. E. Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011. Print.
DeWitte, Debra J., Ralph M. Larmann, and M. Kathryn Shields. Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2012. Print.
“EYCK, Jan van or Jean.” Benezit Dictionary of Artists. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 25 Feb. 2017. <http://www.oxfordartonline.com.ezproxy.gsu.edu/subscriber/article/benezit/B00060604>.
Ingeborg Worm and Agnes Groot. “Hals.” Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 25 Feb. 2017. <http://www.oxfordartonline.com.ezproxy.gsu.edu/subscriber/article/grove/art/T036318pg1>.
Where you at?
What is Appropriate for Publication
This picture was taken in Fall 2016 while visiting Berry College with some photography class students. I had to walk through a field of poop to get to this beautiful swan swimming alone in the pond. Not only that I got on the ground, poop got on my shirt and pants. This bird came right up to me and I was able to capture this beautiful personal shot of it. I have taken well over 50 thousand photos and I still consider this to be one of the best photographs I have ever taken. This picture was made by hand using a darkroom.
Certain publications should have certain themes for their content. I believe fashion magazines should include models, fashion, and consumer based merchandise, why would you see nature pictures in Vogue? Literature magazines containing poems and stories should probably have some nature in it to relax the reader, allow them to think about what they read on the picture. Why would you want to see a selfie or peoples legs in a book full of poems? Those who subscribe to nature magazines would not see Tyra Banks on the cover. I have seen some publications thrown together and I think it’s important to stick to an appropriate theme, think about the reader.
Napster & Sharing
Napster was a big sharing software released years ago starting around 2000. The easy access and availability of free fresh creative content at your fingertips was almost too good to be true. There was something wrong with the fact that any content could be accessed with no charge easily knowing that there is actually a price tag behind it. The Napster case shut down the pirating industry to the point that now sharing portals are heavily monitored for content that is stolen. Big Labels have technology services that can capture your IP and contact your ISP to bill you for the content you stole or can take you to court for it. This incident went down in 2001 where A&M Records took Napster, Inc. to court.
As file sharing exploded everyone realized how easy it was to not pay for your favorite content and just share it. Labels were losing big money because of this act. It can be said that the subjects starting this business were criminals with criminal intentions and that was the reason this case did not turn in their favor. One of the most widely shared files on Napster were MP3’s. It is hard to say whether the intention of the business was even honest from the start. As it discusses in a book called Digital Culture Industry, (Robertson 45) looking into the profiles of the first beginning members to launch the development of the sharing giant Napster, they were all originally hackers with advanced criminal knowledge in code. Even with heavy defense it was obvious that when you can find the same album for $10 on iTunes there is something wrong with downloading it for free on a sharing network yet the world took advantage of this golden era in content sharing. The original creator probably knew this was illegal even a child can see this if his favorite album is for sale at the store down the street and on his ipod in the itunes store then something must be wrong with downloading it for free through a sharing network. Not only did this effect the music industry but as well as software companies, movies, and games.
Even though all this risk was obviously applied to this development, the creators went ahead and wrote this platform that altered history. Content was shared left and right and many artists suffered from this massive advancement in sharing technology. Labels were shook and lost a fortune, that they themselves had to find measures to stop the trend. Before the sharing of music illegal and legal it could have been said that many of this content that include music, movies, and programs were only for the wealthy who could afford it at the mall or store. Content was harder to send out to masses and that was only made possible through television and the radio. Big artists made a fortune back in the 90s because people would have to actually go to the store and buy the cd, like Britney Spears. Labels also had issues with the streets selling bootleg cd’s and dvd’s. When sharing came into the scene that was when the war turned into a cyber sharing war and it was a golden era for the people where masses received all kinds of expensive content at no charge. Because of this everyone was able to access all kinds of new music and movies at no charge, this also opened the gate for poor people to have access to expensive high end software to educate themselves with. Artists, labels, and software business like Adobe and Microsoft Word lost a lot of money and due to this it was harder for artists to become big when everyone can easily steal their new album. This is the reason you now see everything is a subscription in a cloud that updates software constantly and we have streaming platforms like Spotify. Many artist now have to do extra things to make up for this loss like indulge in business.
In the end Napster knew what they were doing as discussed in this online law article, (Case Study: A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc). The case was mostly trying to determine the use of the material and its nature. The court was also looking at the amount of damages that were related to this cause. The court demanded that proper action be taken for companies to be replenished. The crime was still ongoing and it was not until MGM took them to the court to sue them and the pirate bay. It is a very big and controversial case that went on for years and now they have really gotten to the bottom of it. Security has been established and even though sharing is still available today it is best not to because they will catch you . At the end of the day it is better to just go to your local neighborhood record store or just get on iTunes support your favorite artists.
Works Cited
Allen-Robertson, James.Digital Culture Industry : A History Of Digital DistributionHoundmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)Web. 21 Feb. 2017
“Case Study: A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.” Case Study: A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc. – Blog | @WashULaw. N.p., 01 Aug. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2017.
Zoo 2/16/2017
Atlanta zoo 2/16/2017