I interviewed two students from our New Ventures course on the topic of introversion/extroversion in the entertainment industry. Here is what they had to say about it.
Interview Questions:
1. How do you feel about acting? The entertainment industry?
2. Is networking something that is comfortable for you or difficult?
3. Imagine you were at a networking event and there was a casting director or agent that you really wanted to know. How would you approach that person? Would you be scared?
4. Are you loud on camera/stage, but quiet in real life as yourself or the opposite?
5. Do you go for roles that are not like you at all or do you like choosing roles that are similar to you?
Interviewee #1
Kyle P.
1. ” Never acted, but overall i enjoy the products produced by the entertainment industry. Not a big fan of the industry itself, I think it needs a lot of work and isn’t very fair.”
2. “Sometimes but overall not really. I’m decent at finding connections.”
3. “I would prepare myself, like have my resume, portfolio, etc. Practice what I’d say/pitch. Then just go up to them and shoot my shot. Maybe I’d be a little nervous but not scared.”
4. “Professionally I wouldn’t say I’m loud, but I’m not afraid to voice my opinion. Same with my personal. But I generally keep to myself.”
5.” I go for anything I find interesting or could benefit me. Currently my goal is to gain experience so I’m not fussy.”
Interviewee #2
Bre Nicole
1. “Yes, I enjoy acting alot since that is one of my passions. As far as the entertainment industry goes I like it because there’s so many opportunities to be creative and share your work to a wide range of people.”
2. “Yes, it can be difficult depending on who the person is that I am trying to network with. If it is someone that is pretty important and has alot of prestige I may find myself being a little more nervous to approach them, but I usually would just go up to them confidently.”
3. ” To overcome my initial fear I would probably get someone I know to go up and talk to them first in order to get some info. on the person or I would easedrop a little on their conversation to see how the person acts. That helps me gauge how i should approach them.”
4. “For the most part I am more of an extrovert, however I have my days when i do not want to be bothered and I just want to be alone. I am loud on stage/camera and also I am mainly loud in real life as well.”
5. ” When I first started acting I went for roles that were similar to my everyday personality because i let people affect what roles I chose. People would always tell me I would never be able to play a certain role because I was not fit for it. However, over the years I gained some confidence in myself and I started to adventure outside of my comfort zone.”