Interview 2

I interviewed three students from some of my previous acting classes on the topic of introversion/extroversion in the entertainment industry. Here is what they had to say about it.

Interview Questions:
1. How do you feel about acting? The entertainment industry?
2. Is networking something that is comfortable for you or difficult?
3. Imagine you were at a networking event and there was a casting director or agent that you really wanted to know. How would you approach that person? Would you be scared?
4. Are you loud on camera/stage, but quiet in real life as yourself or the opposite?
5. Do you go for roles that are not like you at all or do you like choosing roles that are similar to you?

Interviewee #1
1. “Yes definitely acting is dope. I love having the chance to be able to perform for an audience and see their responses.”
2. ” I wouldn’t so much say that it’s difficult for me to network. I just want to make sure people are cool with giving out their info like that. Everyone responds differently, especially when you first meet them. But i guess it is a bit difficult though. I meet new people almost everyday, but I don’t really think to network with them unless they want to. I just have to be more open.”
3. “In this scenario, I definitely would not be scared. I look forward to meeting new people, especially if I am possibly able to learn from this person. This would be a great opportunity to network honestly.”
4.”I’m definitely loud on stage. In person like when I meet someone I kinda start out on the quieter side. But once i get to know you, I am definitely louder. I always like to observe people so i know how to approach them in the future.”
5.”Honestly I would approach both equally because i love myself and would cherish performing in a similar manner. But I would also love to show more range so I would definitely approach roles that are nothing like me. People say I am really nice anyway, so I would love to take on like a villainous role. It would be a new and very interesting experience for me.”

Interviewee #2
1. “I love acting and the industry, but I do think it could  better than what it is now.”
2. ” I would say it can definitely be difficult. I am 90% introverted and 10% extroverted. I am not a good talker. I have had a lot of fear when having to go up to someone in order to network with them.”
3. ” I think I would be a little nervous especially if the person was an actor that has had lead roles in big production or casting directors who have dealt with big name actors. It’s like how do you conduct yourself around those people without sounding desperate. However, i do have ways that have helped me approach these people in a confident manner. One of our teachers (Mary Emily Deal) taught me to approach them with a sense of curiosity and give them your attention. They will notice that you are curious and will feed into that. The other way I go about that is I pretend I am a different version of myself. I pretend that I am the hero of my story and that I can do anything. This helps me approach people with a calming and cool attitude.”
4. ” I am definitely more quiet in life like low tone and soft spoken, but I can be loud. Like for example, i had to be a very angry slave and shirtless in front of an audience. But yeah i am normally quiet, but I am continuously working on finding that loud part of me.”
5.” I try to find the most terrifying and impossible role that is opposite of my thinking and character. I am actually more afraid of playing characters that are like me because I struggle with trying to find ways that make the character different and believable. I usually try to find characters that will take me out of my comfort zone.”

Interviewee #3
1. “I love acting especially film acting. There was a point in time when I stopped doing stage acting to pursue film because of the difference in pay. However, I have come to enjoy stage acting because it helps you grow a little more. With theater you only have one shot to get the scene right because the director can’t say “cut” in the middle of the scene. You only get one shot.”
2. “Networking is not difficult for me, but the only thing that is difficult for me is to actually follow-up on that person and staying in contact with them. It was not until me and my mom started working together that I changed. My mom gets their contact info, their email and social media info. and when she gets back in the car she emails them. For example, she might say,” Thanks for meeting with me today I would love to stay in touch with you and maybe we have lunch and discuss more things.”. She does not wait till she gets home, she emails them right then and there. 
3. “Naturally I go up with a curiosity. The only way I network with someone is if i find that person interesting. Like if you don’t have anything to offer me (not trying to sound arrogant or like an a**) I don’t try to network with you. So overall, I just go up to them with a curious mind to see if I can learn anything from them. Another thing is when I approach them I make sure to ask good questions don’t ask dumb questions like questions that someone just addressed. Also, don’t get scared when you hear big titles like “Casting director” or “executive producer”. Those people were once us. They know where we are coming from.”
4.” I am a loud person with a big personality. I am an extroverted kind of person, but I can be quiet like I have my days when I do not want to be bothered.”
5.”I don’t have a preference on a character. Whatever floats my way I will take it and do my best with it. I will say characters that are more like me are harder to portray, but I will take that character and try to give the character a story. I won’t play no spiritual demon like what you see in horror movies. Absolutely not. My heart can’t take movies like that. However, i do know my boundaries.”