The purpose of our research was to look at the language used on the topic of immigration throughout mainstream media during the years of 2015-2019. My group was tasked with looking at articles on CNN using the keywords of: immigration, Central America, South America, surge, border, wall, wave, flood, spike, dreamers, caravan, crisis, and concern. While using these keywords, I looked up articles for each individual year. I chose articles that were not particularly bias, but rather, headlines that pertained to the keywords as accurately as possible. The keywords and choosing a particular year narrowed down my search and didn’t have to scroll through many articles. In the five articles during 2015-2019 selected, the language used has highlighted the discontent CNN has with harsh treatment towards immigration. CNN tends to display a neutral view but the words that consistently appeared proved otherwise. Throughout the years, the language used has become more and more critical. The keywords were brought up in many articles but has also led me to find more words used in these articles that could be used in a future research.



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