November 3

Social Media Profile Inspiration


I want to find a profession in the fashion industry so for me “Who What Wear” would be a great social media profile to emulate because they focus their content on style while also focusing on journalism and business. When looking through their Instagram, I noticed that they maintained a high-quality aesthetic and only posted good content. I didn’t find a single selfie or beer-in-hand post so they’re definitely very professional. I also like that their captions are well written and insightful while also being witty and clever. I think I can definitely revise my Instagram and perhaps delete some content that isn’t good quality nor helpful in achieving my dream fashion job. I should do a better job of showing my knowledge for the industry and maybe even showcase some of my creativity so my future employer can have a better idea of what my taste is and my potential.

I also noticed that they incorporate a mix of fashion tips along with pop culture info and some politics as well. I like this mix because it shows how diverse the company is and destroys that stereoptype that fashion people only care about clothes. I think I want to also update my content with possibly showing my favorite books and some of my opinions on current news (in a non-offensive appropriate way) to show that I am versatile and I also have a mind of my own.

I think the main point I can take from Who What Wear’s Instagram is that I need to refine my content to showcase my taste, my interests, and my knowledge of the industry in a professional yet tasteful and creative manner.

Posted November 3, 2016 by alozano3 in category Uncategorized

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