Prompt 1

This piece displays a Siberian Husky dog fighting off my nightmare, loneliness. I chose a Husky because they are very energetic animals that need lots of exercise or they become distressed. While, I did draw the Husky with pencil, I chose to try the non-traditional technique of “smoke painting” with a birthday candle I had at home and fire from my stove. I’d seen a previous art professor’s smoke paintings and loved the look of them. I wanted to try it particularly because I felt the hazy, dark, and formlessness of the smoke vapors accurately portrayed what loneliness felt like to me. While attempting this technique, I initially singed the paper a little too much, causing it to brown. I didn’t like that so I tried again and got the smoky gray I wanted. I felt so brave and capable after completing this prompt, because I had tried something new and expressed a very real part of me.
Prompt 2
Full View Bird’s Eye View Long Shot View Worm’s Eye View
I was inspired by Andy Goldsworthy’s “Plane leaf circle” piece.
This project/prompt was a chance to create from nature art that didn’t hurt nature, rather celebrate it, and pay homage to Andy Goldsworthy’s work. I just went outside and picked up nature that excited me. I REALLY loved Andy’s “leaf wreaths”/designs with circular centers.
There were ants in the pine cones, though! LOL! The pinecones were a little painful to handle but their designs were perfect for sticking the pinecones on the fence. I was afraid of the ants; but I was really excited to see how it would turn out and if I could curate something similar to Andy’s work.
Ps. In my worm’s eye view, I chose a tight close-in look, imaging a worm inside the pinecone.
Prompt 3
This prompt tasked me to create a self-portrait out of found objects around my house. I chose 5 different pieces that described me: a Batman pop figure, American Flag sunglasses, a cross from a necklace, a Joker pin, and a “Label Me Artist” pin.
I chose the Batman pop figure because Batman is my ABSOLUTE favorite superhero and I often tell people, jokingly, that I am Batman. I chose the American Flag sunglasses because I’m proud to be an American. It’s a big part of who I am. The cross represents my faith, which is my true identity. I included the Joker pin because I also love the DC character The Joker. I have several pieces of clothing with The Joker on it. The last thing was the “Label Me Artist” pin. I chose this because, well, I am an artist. That’s a label that I’m definitely comfortable with.
This prompt has been my favorite. I loved sharing who I am overall.